Security Cameras Can Expand The Range Of Home Protection During Emergencies

Security cameras stand in to serve as a homeowner's eyes and even ears when he/she goes away from home. Thanks to advanced technology, an audio/video hook-up allows people to monitor what goes on inside their residence. With multiple cameras, keeping tabs on multiple rooms and even the outside perimeter becomes possible. For many, these cameras provide a partial solution to the threat of burglary. The cameras can do more than partially address theft risks. The cameras can deliver some assistance against frequent "home disasters" that might occur whether someone is home or not. By accessing a camera feed via smartphone, a homeowner can learn about a mishap and then take action. 

Household Hazards Never Take Vacations

Although the home's occupants go away for a week or two, troubles capable of befalling a house don't go away. Potential disasters do loom and could happen when no one is there. Some concerns are outside the control of a homeowner whether he or she is there or not. A severe storm might roll in and create havoc. Imagine if lightning struck a tree and a branch crashed on the house. Windows might shatter, and, possibly, the roof could suffer massive damage. Every minute that goes by without reacting to the disaster could mean a greater catastrophe. Routine scans of the security cameras' feeds can reveal any unwelcome surprises.

The More Common Risks

Granted, the average homeowner won't likely deal with a natural disaster, but other serious mishaps could arise. If you left timed lights on, the camera might reveal them flickering. Flickering can be a sign of a potential fire hazard and requires attention. And water coming through the ceiling indicates a plumbing disaster. The cost of repairs and cleanup work becomes greater and greater when plumbing fixes receive delays. While security cameras can't prevent such mishaps, at least they allow for a faster response.

Checking the Cloud

If your security system provides an option for cloud storage, taking advantage of it could prove valuable. Scanning the stored video for something out of the ordinary, such as flickering lights at 3 AM, informs you of potential problems. Once again, being informed sets a course for taking action.

Calling on Property Managers

"Taking action" won't be as accessible when you are 1,000 miles away. However, an arrangement with a property management service could let a proxy handle things, at least at first. Working with a professional service can lead to an immediate response. Don't expect a friend or neighbor to deliver anything comparable.

To learn more about security cameras, contact a security provider near you.
