Is A Cloud PBX Phone System Right For You?

Have you been thinking about revamping your business phone system, and now considering a cloud PBX system? Here are some pros and cons of using this system as a way to manage your telephone calls. 

Pro: Easy Expandability

One of the nice things about using a cloud PBX system is that it has expandability that is incredibly simple. Each phone in your cloud PBX system requires a connection to the Internet, so all you need to do to expand is to connect a new phone to the Internet. You are no longer limited to buying a headend to your phone system that has a limited number of connections, forcing you to go through an upgrade process to add a single phone line once you've maxed it out.

Con: New Hardware

The downside to this easy expandability is that you must completely abandon your old phone system. If you have a standard PBX system that is not in the cloud, all of those existing phones and hardware will not be usable anymore. You need to be ready to invest in the initial hardware to make the switch, which may be difficult if you own a very large business. However, a small business may only require a few phones, which makes this process more affordable. 

Pro: Easy Upgrades

The hardware for the cloud PBX system on your end are the phones you use for your business. However, the backend of this system lives in the cloud. That means that, as software becomes more advanced over the years, the software can be upgraded. You can get new features to expand capabilities without having to upgrade hardware on your end. This means that you can keep up with the competition without a significant investment when phone technology changes.

Con: Potential Cost Increase

A cloud PBX system is a little bit different from a traditional PBX system. A traditional system has a limited amount of lines coming into your business, which are shared across every phone in the building. If you have 10 employees and only one or two phone lines, you can make the system work to lower your cost. However, cloud PBX is going to give everyone their own individual phone line, meaning that every employee can make a phone call no matter how many phones are in use. While this is a huge advantage of cloud PBX, it means that the cost is also going to be more expensive per line. 
