3 Ways Augmented Reality Can Be Used To Up Your Customer Service Game

In the technological world that surrounds society, so many incredible evolutions have changed the way businesses are able to serve customers. Even though augmented reality apps may be one of the more modern things that can be associated with evolved customer service, this technology is perhaps one of the most interesting and exciting. Whether you are in the manufacturing business, the healthcare industry, or the remodeling business, there is room for augmented reality apps in your customer experience. Read More 

How Medical Coding Solutions Can Help A Big Medical Practice

When you think about medical facilities that outsource things like medical coding and billing, you may think about smaller practices. After all, it makes sense that smaller practices might not have the resources to handle everything in-house. However, it isn't just smaller companies that can benefit from these services. Many bigger medical practices can benefit from outsourcing and working with a medical coding firm, such as for the reasons below. Read More 

5 Ways A Touch Screen Cash Register Can Help Your Business

If you own any kind of business, you have to find the right way to accept payments and ring up customers when they make purchases. There are a variety of options out there, but many businesses are still using old cash registers and outdated technology to charge their customers. The good news is that technology has advanced, and investing in a touch screen cash register can be a great move for your business. Read More 

Using Cloud Storage Systems For Your Business’s Digital Data

Many businesses will generate very large amounts of data that will have to be safely stored in a location where the data can still be readily accessible to workers. For digital information, it can be easy for businesses to assume that this will require deploying a high-capacity hard drive to be able to retain all of this information. Yet, this can deny the business some of the benefits that can come from using a cloud storage provider. Read More 

Best Practices Crowdfunding For Successful Campaigns

Crowdfunding is a proven way to raise money for personal or professional causes. However, stiff competition means that few campaigns are fully funded. Understanding best practices for crowdfunding before you launch a campaign will help you engineer a strong campaign that is likely to reach your funding goals. Here are the best practices for crowdfunding that work right now.  Be Realistic  Crowdfunding is the perfect strategy to chase after a big goal. Read More